Wednesday 30 March 2011

Fairtrade Masterpieces

Easy Lime and Ginger Cheesecake

I found this handy Recipe booklet in my local Oxfam shop, containing five delicious recipes all using fairtrade branded products. The Fairtrade biscuits that make up the tasty crumb base of the cheesecake are crumbly with added zing. I was surprised at how easy this recipe was to follow and how a few simple ingredients can amount to a luxurious treat. I'm never buying another ready made cheesecake again! Highly recommended!

The booklet is available for free at Oxfam.
Fairtrade delivers more to empower farmers and producers in poor countries and ensures they have a fairer deal on price.

Serves: 4 very generous slices / 6 normal slices
Preparation time: 30 minutes

200g pack of Tradicraft stem ginger cookies, crushed @£1.29 (Oxfam)
50g butter, melted @25p
2 x 250g tubs mascarpone cheese @£3.38 (Co-operative)

40g icing sugar @15p
2 x limes, zest finely grated and juice @ 70p

Total cost: £5.77
·               Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin or pestle and mix with melted butter. Press into the base of an 18cm (7 inch) spring-sided or loose-bottomed cake tin.

·               Place the mascarpone, icing sugar and lime zest and juice in a bowl and beat together lightly. Spread over the biscuit base.

·               Chill for 30 minutes.